Yokoso Dutch Open Tournament 2010
The tournament will take place Saturday April 24th of 2010 in Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Publisert: onsdag 31. mars 2010
Dear WAKO and Kickboxing friends,We have the pleasure to invite you to the Yokoso Dutch Open Tournament 2010.
As usual we have Semi & Light Contact, but this year we also added Musical Forms (with and without Weapons).
Multiple categories are possible and gives you a discount of € 5,- for the additional catagory.
The tournament will take place Saturday April 24th of 2010 in Amstelveen, The Netherlands (20 minutes from the centre of Amsterdam).
This event will be under WAKO rules.
We have included some hotels, but please keep in mind that due to holidays there are not many rooms available.
This time we also included some budget hotels in the centre of Amsterdam.
We hope to see you at our tournament. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or email us.
Check the website: www.wakonederland.nl or www.yokosodutchopen.nl and make a online registration.